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HOME>最新のお知らせ>Aug.8 to 12, 2016 Empowerment program

Aug.8 to 12, 2016 Empowerment program


Five days joint workshop was held (Aug.8 to 12, 2016) at Yokkaichi High School together with Yokkaichi minami high school and Kawagoe High School.
University students from U.S. and high school students were divided into small groups approximately with 5, had a discussion and project work in English under excellent foreign facilitator.
Participants acquired skills of critical thinking, logical thinking, communication, wide vision and leadership. They learnt an positive attitude and importance of hard work towards their dream.

≪Students' impressions (Excerpt)≫

・Through this workshop, I became to realize inadequacy of my English ability, communication ability and capacity for thought. I was very much inspired.
・I enjoyed speaking in the presence of others. My listening ability improved as the days go by.
・I realized importance of expressing my own thoughts. Expressing my own opinion is more important than speaking perfect English.
This workshop changed my value. Communication skill is not an ability to speak one language fluently, rather making effort and not to give up to communicate with others by using various ways such as using sign language.
・Taking active and positive action. I learnt importance of not to fear any failure. My value changed largely compare to one week ago.
≪State of activity≫