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HOME>最新のお知らせ>There was an exchange with the international students at Mie University on December 22, (Monday).

There was an exchange with the international students at Mie University on December 22, (Monday).


 There was an exchange with the international students at Mie University on December 22, (Monday). 15 international students (1 from Bangladesh, 1 from Mexico, 1 from France, 2 from Afghanistan and 10 from Indonesia) from Mie University's Department of Biological Resources, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Education visited Yokkaichi High School and interacted with the first and second years students in English. It was a very enjoyable time. At first every one played some games. Then 6 to 7 high school students formed a group of 8 with 2 international students and worked on a planning workshop on an imaginery Tour based on the theme "A 3 days 2 nights dream tour in the countries of the International Students". This was done in 80 minutes. The students planned the 3 days 2 nights tour based on information they found out from the internationl students, such as where they were born, specialities, traditional cultures, modes of transportation. They then had to pretend to be the tour agents and try to promote their tour packages to the panel of judges who were actually the teachers (in English!). During the presentation, eight companies with unique names such as "JKT 18" and "Japanesia" were organised. Special tours such as French gourmet tour, Sumatra's cultural experience tour, etc. were presented. It was amazing that such wonderful tours could be devised within a short 80 minutes. The business presenations were also professionally done. While the panel of judges was busy tabulating the results, the international students talked about their own countries' cultures. Songs that we do not normally listen to such as the national anthem of Afghanistan, the songs sung before the class by the children of Bangladesh, the "goodbye song" from Indonesia were heard. Such exquisite experiences! There was also a fun introduction in quiz format. Lastly, the school principal announced the results. Awards given to each of the teams included "Delicious Food Award", "Kind to the Elderly Award", etc. It was great fun. At the end of the year, it was memorable to be able to interact with people from other countries and learn about the diversity of the world.